I am over three years on the program now, and feeling better than ever, thank you. Plus, I am completely convinced that nobody should ever be on those drugs, except in a temporary, emergency situation. I don't think mental illness is a problem of the brain at all. The brain is the innocent bystander that is affected by a problem in the body. It is a chemical imbalance of the body, and the problems with neurotransmitters that everyone worries about are side effects. Treating the neurotransmitters without treating the root cause of the problem is just plain dumb.
I strongly believe that a diagnosis of mental illness should immediately be followed by a battery of blood tests to find the real root of the problem. It's not in your brain!
But as for me, I am still taking 10 Empowerplus per day, reliably every day. I also take:
- 3 g of Omega3
- Kelp (iodine), 600-1000 mg as needed for my thyroid
- Life Extension's Arthromax (which is a great product for joint pain)
- Life Extension's gamma tocopherol (a more complete vitamin E)
- New Chapter's Holy Basil ( just one in the morning)
- Udo's digestive enzymes with large meals
- A good probiotic
- 1000 mg of pure tryptophan (also from Life Extension) to manage the occasional protracted withdrawal symptoms that I still have
And that's all! Since I eliminated all the extra antioxidants I've felt much better. My IBS is long gone. I still have reflux, which I manage with Zantac and Tums, and I take Reactine (Zyrtec in the US) for my allergies.
I don't have any prescription meds at all!
Plus, I have good mental habits now. I meditate every day, and I am careful about situations that may destabilize me. I don't listen to depressing music or watch pessimistic movies or tv. I still don't read fiction. I don't have a regular job, I have just been out of the workplace too long (over 10 years) to go back. I have given full reign to my creative side, and I do some form of creative activity every day, designing and making things.
I sleep regular hours. Every morning I get out of bed looking forward to my day, and almost every night I go to bed satisfied with my accomplishments. Distractions happen, but they don't pull me off track for long.
Life is really good, and I am so glad I took the chance with the Truehope program. Depression and anxiety are just things I never think about any more. You can do it too! If Empowerplus doesn't help you, some other nutritional regimen will. I think copper imbalances are more common than most doctors think, for one thing. But drugs are never the right answer!