Of course, the thing about blogs is, that you read them backwards, unless you have been following all along. So, to spare you going back to the beginning, a recap.
When I first heard about Truehope I had tried to go off my drugs many times, always unsuccessfully. The slightest reduction in my medications would result in a return of the depression. But the drugs were killing me, slowly but surely. My blood sugar had just tested at the pre-diabetic level, a known side effect of the Risperdal I was taking. My periods had stopped, also due to the Risperdal. I was incredibly tired all the time.
My mood on my drugs wasn't really that bad, but things were trending down. I would say I was mildly depressed most of the time. I had no motivation. I couldn't concentrate, hadn't read a book in years. I had a growing social anxiety. I couldn't handle the smallest stressors. I spent most of my time on the sofa, not really thinking, just staring into space. I hadn't worked for 9 years.
So I heard about Truehope and I read about the difficult time many people have with withdrawal from their medications, and I was very worried about facing months of serious depression, but I didn't want to spend the rest of my shortened life on the sofa, so I went for it.
The first four weeks, while I was taking Empowerplus and reducing my meds, were great. I started this blog to show that it doesn't have to be all that hard to make the transition from drugs to Empowerplus. Then I took my last dose of Wellbutrin and the withdrawal hit pretty hard. The blog doesn't really reflect how hard it hit. I was flattened. I was asleep in bed all morning and on the sofa all afternoon, with a couple of good hours in the evening. I was nauseous, hot and cold at the same time, and dizzy. This lasted about a week and then slowly began to get better.
About a month after I stopped all my meds the protracted withdrawal set in. Now, over three months into the program, I am still experiencing it. For me it is mainly manifesting as very low energy and reduced stamina, reduced appetite, headaches which will grow into migraines if I don't take care of them, bizarreness in my sinuses and a constant post nasal drip. And my sleep schedule is way off -- I fall asleep around 4 or 5 (or later) and sleep until 12 or 1.
But, I have to tell you that I don't mind all this at all. I have not had one day when I felt depressed since I started Empowerplus. Since I started the Holy Basil I have not had one day of anxiety. I am incredibly lucky and grateful. The physical symptoms I've had are a cakewalk compared to depression.
So, the Empowerplus is working, and I am looking forward to the future. This blog is a sign of progress, and I am thinking of starting another one. The dreadful hot and humid days of summer are over, and I always feel more optimistic as the fresh northern breezes start to blow away all the stale air. It's time to turn my attention to new projects, but I will check in from time to time as new milestones are passed. Best wishes on your journey of healing!