Yesterday I was going to write a very whiny post, but then I decided that wouldn't be in my best interest. Rest assured, though, that protracted withdrawal is still continuing. I'm tired and dizzy, with little appetite, and constant shoulder, neck and head pain. The runny nose comes and goes.
I've made a couple of changes to my routine. One is that I started supplementing with iodine for my thyroid. I have Hashimoto's Disease, an autoimmune disease that results in a slow thyroid. The iodine really seems to help with my outlook and motivation. It was when I started the iodine that I got the urge to exercise that I mentioned in my last post. I haven't been exercising since then, the increase in protracted withdrawal was hard to take. But I have been more motivated to do things around the house, and I'm slowly getting things cleaned and organized.
I also have been inspired to start eating vegan again. I was vegan for 3 years in my 30s, and for the most part I really liked eating that way. I had more energy and I lost weight. I gave it up because I thought all the fibre was aggravating my IBS, which really became completely out of control. Now I think I have a better idea of what foods were causing the problems, mainly hot peppers -- I love those spicy foods. Also, when I started the Empowerplus I also started Truehope's FermPlus, a probiotic, and it really seems to have settled my stomach. So, the timing seemed right. I have been wanting to go back to eating vegan for quite a while, and I finally just made the decision to do it.
I had hoped that eating vegan would help with the protracted withdrawal, but that does not seem to have been the case. It is neither better nor worse. I am losing weight still, but not fast enough for it to cause a problem with the protracted withdrawal. I have lost 12 pounds since the end of June, 3 of them in the past two weeks that I have been eating vegan. I am optimistic now that I am on the right track to lose all the weight I gained while medicated. 70 pounds to go!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Making Changes
protracted withdrawal symptoms,
weight loss