There are lots of articles out at this time of year about resolutions and goal setting. It reminded me that I did in fact set some "intentions" last year, and I looked them up to see what they were. There were 6 all together, with weight loss being #1 and way down the list:
5. Successfully get off all the drugs.
You can see by how far down the list it was how likely I thought it would be. Then again, at this time last year I was taking bioidentical hormones and I had big hopes that they would enable me to stabilize my mood as well as promoting weight loss. So it might have been more pro forma, because I thought it was a done deal with the hormones. However, soon they were causing terrible migraines, and I had to go off them. I really tried everything imaginable to get off my drugs before I found Truehope.
So of the 6 things on the list only one was realized, but heck, I am pretty darn satisfied with that one!
For 2010 I have a new list. It includes exercise and work-related goals, neither of which were on last year's list. So that shows some progress that wouldn't have been possible without the Truehope. One item has carried over -- this year I really am finally going to finish a quilt!
Happy New Year everybody!